GMAS Media Monitor

Your relevant news from all Dutch media.

Political Monitoring

Insight regarding the political arena in The Netherlands.

Public Affairs Support

Have the right person receiving the right message at the right time.


Your Embassy’s key to understanding and engaging in Dutch society business and politics.

IvCB supports your Embassy with daily media monitoring, in-depth media analysis, political monitoring and analysis and public affairs support. This helps you to closely monitor and influence the perception of your country and your country’s industries in the media and to follow and – if necessary – engage in the Dutch political and economic process. The services presented by IvCB are the result of a unique cooperation between

IvCB Public Affairs & Stakeholdermanagement, the leading Dutch news agency ANP and the parliamentary documentation centre PDC. Together   we provide the best and most up-to-date insight into developments in media and politics. Our team of experienced, discreet and well-connected public affairs and media experts help you to monitor, interpret and create action perspectives.

GMAS Media Monitor

A daily overview in your mailbox of all relevant news items from all the major Dutch news outlets.

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Political Monitoring

We follow every move of all the players in selected dossiers and share and analyse the developments with you in a monthly meeting.

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Public Affairs Support

Support to promote the economic interests of your national companies and industries in the Netherlands and – via our partnership with FTI – at the European institutions.

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